Wednesday, October 10, 2018

From the Kiez, For the Kiez: New basketball department of Türkiyemspor Berlin e.V.

2018, in the year of it’s 40th Year Anniversary, Türkiyemspor Berlin e.V. is expanding it’s range of sports, through the founding of its first ever basketball department. Its focus will be on the promotion of women’s and girls’ basketball in Berlin. Already starting in September, three teams will compete in the regular season of the Berlin Basketball Association (BBV).

For us, it is highly important, to create a sports opportunity for girls and women in Kreuzberg – since we see a high potential there”, says Lena Demke, interim manager of the department. “With Turkiyemspor, we have found a club that shares these values and has a lot of experience with the successful development of their female football division”. At the same time, the focus will be on basketball for all levels so that a variety of athletes from the Kiez can participate in the club’s life.

For the club, the foundation of a new department means the expansion of their range of sports that – thus far – has mainly included football. Durmuş Matur, First Chairman of Türkiyemspor: “This year we are celebrating our 40th club anniversary. It is a big gift for us to now have a basketball department. This is an addition to our previous offer and a development opportunity for our club. We are looking forward to our new members and their input to Türkiyemspor e.V.”

Through a crowdfunding campaign, people who are interested in sports, will be able to support the building up of the new department at Türkiyemspor. Starting in November at

Practice Times:

Girls (11-13 years):
      Thursday, 17:00-18:30, Hermann-Hesse-Gymnasium, Böckhstraße 16, 10967 Berlin
      Monday, 20:00-21:30, Carl-von-Ossietzky-Oberschule, Blücherstraße 46-47, 10961 Berlin
       Thursday, 19:30-21:30, Lemgo-Grundschule, Böckhstraße 5,  10967 Berlin
      Wednesday, 20:00-21:30, Carl-von-Ossietzky-Oberschule, Blücherstraße 46-47, 10961 Berlin
      Friday, 19:30-21:30, Carl-von-Ossietzky-Oberschule, Blücherstraße 46-47, 10961 Berlin

Further Information:

Press contact:

Lena Demke,

If you wish to receive further information on the new basketball department, just send an E-Mail to: We will happily include you on our mailing list.

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