Sunday, March 29, 2009
Live TicKer Türkiyemspor vs. Hallescher FC
Liebe Türkiyem-Fans heute wieder Live aus dem ungeliebten Jahnsportpark,- Berichte zum Spiel Türkiyemspor gegen den Halleschen FC. Halle ist 2. und will unbedingt gewinnen. Türkiyem muss weiter Punkte gegen den Abstieg sammeln, was in den letzten Wochen bei den Spitzenteams von Kiel und Babelsberg nicht ganz gelang.
Türkiyem spielt mit:
Normann Köhlmann -
Florian Grossert, Rocco Teichmann, Murat Doymus - Süleyman Koc,
Kais Maanai ,Pa-Malik Joof, Henning Lichte - Norbert Lemcke,
Can Akgün, Yuki Okamoto
7. Minute Gooooool 1-0 für Türkiyem Tor durch Henning, nach einen Freistoß von dem genesenen Kais Manai
18. Minute Halle jetzt mit mehr Spielanteilen, aber TS Abwehr steht gut
20. Minute Gooooooool. Ecke für TS Can trifft von der Höhe des Elmeterpunktes
23.Minute Anschlußtreffer 2:1
26. Minute Chance zum Ausgleich für die Gäste. Hallefans jetzt oben auf, lautstark und singesfreudig
38. Minute Gutes Regionalliga Spiel mit Chancen auf beiden Seiten. Diesmal war es Kais der eine Torchance für Türkiyem nicht verwerten konnte
45. Minute Es bleibt beim 2:1. Kurz vor der Halbzeit gab es einen kleinen Aufreger als ein Halle-Tor wegen Foulspiels an Köhlmann nicht anerkannt wurde. Im Mittelfeld wurde danach Pa-Malik böse gefoult konnte aber wieder weiterspielen.
Türkiyem spielt gut. Die Gäste gefährlich bei Standards. Heute ist nicht zu erkennen wer hier um den Aufstieg und wer hier um den Abstieg spielt.
15:31 Es geht weiter. Mit dabei jetzt Marcus und Eisei für Manai und Akgün
52. Minute Yuki mit Torchance, aber vorbei
54. Lemke mit Torchance die auf der Linie geklärt wurde. Halle Fans jetzt leiser. Türkiyem weiterhin gut dabei. Zahlende Zuschauer 584
76. Minute Türkiyem hat mehr vom Spiel. Davul und Zurna spornen an.
85. Minute Halle kommt nochmal. Aber TS Abwehr steht gewohnt sicher
89. Halle drückt. TS mit Konterchancen. Noch 2 Minuten
92. Minute. Letzte Sekunde Ausgleich für die Gäste. Keeper Horvat nach einer Ecke für Halle.:-(
Das gibts ja nicht. Wie schon gg. Kiel in der letzten Minute der Gegentreffer. Halle kann sich über einen Punktgewinn freuen. Türkiyem ist zerknirscht.
Wir verabschieden uns, bedanken uns bei 208 Liveticker Usern. Schöne Grüße auch an Halle- und Kiel- Fans die sich hier informierten. Allen einen schönen Sonntag und Kopf Hoch, Türkiyem! Wir sind dran und bleiben drin !!
Erster Spielbericht bei und ab 16.30 auf MDR im TV.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Lesetipp: Rechtsextremismus, Fremdenfeindlichkeit und Rassismus im Fußball
Das Deutsche Jugendinstitut (dji)
veröffentlicht im Rahmen seines Projekts:Arbeits- und Forschungsstelle Rechtsextremismus und Fremdenfeindlichkeit einen Buchband mit dem Titel “Rechtsextremismus, Fremdenfeindlichkeit und Rassismus im Fußball”. Auf über 150 Seiten wird das Thema von verschiedenen Seiten beleuchtet, auch Türkiyemspor darf nicht fehlen. Der Vorsitzende des Fördervereins Türkiyemspor Cetin Özaydin und Harald Aumeier nähern sich dem Thema aus Türkiyemsicht.
Michaela Glaser
Gabi Elverich (Hrsg.)
Rechtsextremismus, Fremdenfeindlichkeit und Rassismus im Fußball
Erfahrungen und Perspektiven der Prävention
DJI 2008
Außenstelle Halle, 156 Seiten
ISBN: 978-3-935701-24-2
Fremdenfeindliche und rechtsextreme Tendenzen machen auch vor dem liebsten Sport der Deutschen nicht halt; in der aufgeheizten Atmosphäre des Stadions werden sie häufig sogar besonders offensiv ausgelebt. Andererseits bieten Profi- und Amateurfußball aufgrund ihrer großen Popularität aber auch spezifische Anknüpfungspunkte, um diesen Phänomenen präventiv zu begegnen.
Diesen Erfordernissen und Möglichkeiten einer im Fußballkontext angesiedelten Rechtsextremismus- und Rassismusprävention geht die neueste Veröffentlichung der Arbeits- und Forschungsstelle Rechtsextremismus und Fremdenfeindlichkeit nach.
Der Band versammelt Positionen und Erfahrungsberichte von Expertinnen und Experten aus unterschiedlichen Handlungsfeldern der sportbezogenen Präventionsarbeit.
Die Beiträge zeigen auf, mit welchen Problemlagen und Herausforderungen sich der Fußballsport in Bezug auf Rechtsextremismus und Fremdenfeindlichkeit konfrontiert sieht und stellen unterschiedliche Gegenstrategien für den Profi- und Amateurbereich vor. Sie dokumentieren Beispiele erfolgreicher Arbeit, zeigen aber auch die Schwierigkeiten dieser Arbeit im Fußballkontext auf und benennen Handlungs- und Entwicklungsbedarf.
Außerdem werden die Ergebnisse einer qualitativen Erhebung vorgestellt, in der pädagogische Ansätze fußballbezogener Rechtsextremismus- und Rassismusprävention sowie damit gewonnene Erfahrungen erhoben und analysiert wurden.
Mit Beiträgen von:
Harald Aumeier, Sabine Behn, Gerd Bücker, Gerd Dembowski, Gabi Elverich, Michael Gabriel, Michaela Glaser, Thomas Herzog, Cetin Özaydin, Gunter A. Pilz, Angelika Ribler, Victoria Schwenzer, Gerd Wagner.
Der Stachel aus Kreuzberg
Der Kreuzberger Stachel sticht in seiner Märzausgabe das Thema Türkiyemspor und die Suche nach einem Traingsplatz ausführlich und gut recherchiert an. Hier der Bericht:
Türkiyemspor: Geduldsfaden gerissen
Türkiyemspor: Geduldsfaden gerissen
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Liveticker: TÜrkiyem vs. KSV Holstein
Heute gehts los. Das erste Heimspiel Türkiyemspors im Jahre 2009. Das alles mit einem neugeformten Team und im Hintergund arbeitet ein neuer Vorstand. Wir liefern hier, wie gewohnt, LIve-NEWS aus dem Friedrich Ludwig Jahnsportpark.
TS heute mit: Normann, henning, Florian, Murat, Rocco, Eisei, Norbert, Malik, Yoki
14:47 Türkiyem mit einer Chance. Holstein mit zwei hochkarätigen. Spiel steht 0:0.
15:40 Weiterhin 0:0 . Türkiyem verteidigt sicher und erarbeitet sich Konterchancen.
15:50 92. Spielminute. Querschläger im Strafraum wird zum 1:0 für die Gäste verwandelt. Danach Abpfiff.
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Soccer as a Tool for Integration
Kreuzberg and Wedding are two areas of Berlin that serve as examples ofmulticultural hubs of ethnic integration issues. Within these vibrant neighborhoods,two different programs have gained success in attempting to facilitate youth integration through the game of soccer. The first club, known throughout Kreuzberg and beyond, is Türkiyemspor Berlin. This organization, started in 1978, has grown to become the third largest soccer club within the city limits. The other youth club that is of significance has a much longer history with the city of Berlin and is currentlyrecognized at its’ largest soccer club. Known as the Youth Academy of Hertha BSC Berlin, the original club hails from Wedding and spans over a century of history. Throughout the course of our research, we have been fortunate enough to have theopportunity to interview representatives from both of these respected and progressive organizations. A discussion of the goals, successes, and fears brought forward by leaders of these clubs will help further elucidate the perception of thecurrent state of affairs when dealing with integration in Berlin. Türkiyemspor, the newer and smaller of these two exemplary clubs, has over three hundred young people on its roster of players. According to FIFA (the International Federation of Association Football), “they have become the most famous club of Turkish origin in Germany and now run three men's, 14 junior andthree girls' teams, with players of all ethnic origins welcome.” ( In their first team alone, seven different countries are represented by youth under the guidance of a native German coach. Türkiyemspor tackles issues of burning importance within its home neighbourhood of Kreuzberg through its involvement and co-operation with local police, schools, non-government organizations, and social projects. Türkiyemspor has become involved in various facets of integration issues, ranging from their work with girl’s soccer to their participation in varioustournaments surrounding topics pertaining to tolerance and assimilation within thecommunity.The concept behind Türkiyemspor came out of a desire to provide activitiesfor youth who were victims of domestic violence within their home lives. The initial efforts of the club focused on providing integration activities for girls of primarily a Muslim migration background. These witnesses of domestic violence were often notgiven the opportunity within their society to become involved with integration efforts manifested in the realm of sport. Türkiyemspor has attempted to give these girls a venue in which to come together and meet other girls who may be originating fromsimilar backgrounds. The organization works with girls between the ages of eight and
thirteen through co-operating with schools to make it possible for them to become involved with soccer activities. Nico Borsetzky, a gentleman of Greek descent born and raised in Germany, isone of the head organizers of Türkiyemspor that agreed to speak with us. Heexplained the particular circumstances that lead to Türkiyemspor’s success among itstargeted youth through the soccer programs for young girls. According to Mr. Borsetzky, “what makes Türkiyemspor different from other football clubs is itsincorporation of social instruction along with football.” He commented on difficultiesin dealing with youths with migration backgrounds, especially with the projection ofTurkish gender roles being pronounced on sports fields - conservative families, for example, may object to girl players wearing shorts. Türkiyemspor is the only soccerclub within Berlin that offers such a multicultural and comprehensive program for young girls. (It is worthwhile to note that the English Football Club of Berlin additionally has such a program, yet such multicultural dynamics are nearly absent within their organization). Mr. Borsetzky further commented as to the breadth thattheir integration efforts encompass though additionally mentioning the historical binary conflict of East and West Berlin. In regards to the role of a formerly divided city now in a state of reunification, he says, “it is also important that we bring girls from East and West Berlin together…the wall is still in the heads of the people.” Asdepicted by Borsetzky, integration is the key for transgressing boundaries that havemanifested divisions within mainstream Berliner society. Community Soccer Integration InitiativesAlongside its efforts in promoting the involvement of migrant girls in sportsintegration programs, Türkiyemspor has additionally become involved with threenotable community initiatives. The first of these, referred to as “Stopp Tokat” (also known as Stop die Abzocke, Stop the rip-off) was created as a project with the Kreuzberg police that was developed as a reaction towards rising rates of neighbourhood crime. The ultimate goal of the project was the creation of a network against crime encompassing as many Kreuzberg clubs, schools and associations aspossible. The project aimed to help enlighten children from various migrant backgrounds as to the lives of their peers from different ethnic backgrounds.Through activities such as a painting contest between local elementary schools, “Stopp Tokat” was an attempt to use sport as a bridge for facilitating communication during times of hardship within a multiethnic community. A second initiative in whichTürkiyemspor has participated is the “Respect Gaymes.” This project took the form of a soccer tournament held annually in June to oppose discrimination against gays and lesbians within the community. The tournament invited any and all who were interested in participating, regardless of sexual orientation. Türkiyemspor participated in order to offer support from the perspective of a group that is also a
minority within Berlin. The third and final initiative of significance to note is the “Avitall-Cup,” an interreligious soccer tournament that will take place for the fourthannual time this July. At this tournament, players from Jewish, Muslim, Christian, and atheist teams all compete in the pursuit of winning the cup. Participation in suchinitiatives establishes Türkiyemspor as an organization that is passionate about the role of social integration for minorities from an assortment of backgrounds. Through concentrating their efforts in realms beyond ethnic conflicts, Türkiyemspor pledges to support integration of any and all minority groups. The commendable work of Türkiyemspor has not gone without notice within both Kreuzberg and the greater Berlin area. The federal government honored boththe ‘Respect Gaymes’ and the ‘Avitall Cup’ as “exemplary events for the promotion of integration.” Of even greater significance is the presentation of the first ever award for stellar achievements within the field of integration to Türkiyemspor on behalf of the Deutscher Fußball-Bund (DFB) and it’s premium partner Mercedes Benz. The president of the DFB, Mr. Theo Zwanziger, recognizes the potential that sport holdswithin the ideal of integration through his partnership in the creation of the first ever DFB & Mercedes Benz Integration Prize. As noted on the official website of the DFB, Mr. Zwanziger believes fully in the ideal that “football has the unique potential toserve as a stepping stone for disadvantaged and sometimes discriminated minorities in our society. Sports should know no boundaries…people from all walks of life meeton the field or at the sidelines, as players and fans. If the various social agentsinteract, we can use football as the perfect tool to further an integrated society.” The allotment of such a prize to Türkiyemspor recognizes both the hard work anddedication of this particular club as well as the pledge initiated by professional sportsorganizations to actively encourage integration through recreation.
Integration Through Recreation
The Role of Youth Soccer in Multicultural Berlin
Neaka Lynn Balloge, Steffen Hurka, & Corey Walker
Humanity in Action Final Research Paper Team Berlin, Summer 2008
thirteen through co-operating with schools to make it possible for them to become involved with soccer activities. Nico Borsetzky, a gentleman of Greek descent born and raised in Germany, isone of the head organizers of Türkiyemspor that agreed to speak with us. Heexplained the particular circumstances that lead to Türkiyemspor’s success among itstargeted youth through the soccer programs for young girls. According to Mr. Borsetzky, “what makes Türkiyemspor different from other football clubs is itsincorporation of social instruction along with football.” He commented on difficultiesin dealing with youths with migration backgrounds, especially with the projection ofTurkish gender roles being pronounced on sports fields - conservative families, for example, may object to girl players wearing shorts. Türkiyemspor is the only soccerclub within Berlin that offers such a multicultural and comprehensive program for young girls. (It is worthwhile to note that the English Football Club of Berlin additionally has such a program, yet such multicultural dynamics are nearly absent within their organization). Mr. Borsetzky further commented as to the breadth thattheir integration efforts encompass though additionally mentioning the historical binary conflict of East and West Berlin. In regards to the role of a formerly divided city now in a state of reunification, he says, “it is also important that we bring girls from East and West Berlin together…the wall is still in the heads of the people.” Asdepicted by Borsetzky, integration is the key for transgressing boundaries that havemanifested divisions within mainstream Berliner society. Community Soccer Integration InitiativesAlongside its efforts in promoting the involvement of migrant girls in sportsintegration programs, Türkiyemspor has additionally become involved with threenotable community initiatives. The first of these, referred to as “Stopp Tokat” (also known as Stop die Abzocke, Stop the rip-off) was created as a project with the Kreuzberg police that was developed as a reaction towards rising rates of neighbourhood crime. The ultimate goal of the project was the creation of a network against crime encompassing as many Kreuzberg clubs, schools and associations aspossible. The project aimed to help enlighten children from various migrant backgrounds as to the lives of their peers from different ethnic backgrounds.Through activities such as a painting contest between local elementary schools, “Stopp Tokat” was an attempt to use sport as a bridge for facilitating communication during times of hardship within a multiethnic community. A second initiative in whichTürkiyemspor has participated is the “Respect Gaymes.” This project took the form of a soccer tournament held annually in June to oppose discrimination against gays and lesbians within the community. The tournament invited any and all who were interested in participating, regardless of sexual orientation. Türkiyemspor participated in order to offer support from the perspective of a group that is also a
minority within Berlin. The third and final initiative of significance to note is the “Avitall-Cup,” an interreligious soccer tournament that will take place for the fourthannual time this July. At this tournament, players from Jewish, Muslim, Christian, and atheist teams all compete in the pursuit of winning the cup. Participation in suchinitiatives establishes Türkiyemspor as an organization that is passionate about the role of social integration for minorities from an assortment of backgrounds. Through concentrating their efforts in realms beyond ethnic conflicts, Türkiyemspor pledges to support integration of any and all minority groups. The commendable work of Türkiyemspor has not gone without notice within both Kreuzberg and the greater Berlin area. The federal government honored boththe ‘Respect Gaymes’ and the ‘Avitall Cup’ as “exemplary events for the promotion of integration.” Of even greater significance is the presentation of the first ever award for stellar achievements within the field of integration to Türkiyemspor on behalf of the Deutscher Fußball-Bund (DFB) and it’s premium partner Mercedes Benz. The president of the DFB, Mr. Theo Zwanziger, recognizes the potential that sport holdswithin the ideal of integration through his partnership in the creation of the first ever DFB & Mercedes Benz Integration Prize. As noted on the official website of the DFB, Mr. Zwanziger believes fully in the ideal that “football has the unique potential toserve as a stepping stone for disadvantaged and sometimes discriminated minorities in our society. Sports should know no boundaries…people from all walks of life meeton the field or at the sidelines, as players and fans. If the various social agentsinteract, we can use football as the perfect tool to further an integrated society.” The allotment of such a prize to Türkiyemspor recognizes both the hard work anddedication of this particular club as well as the pledge initiated by professional sportsorganizations to actively encourage integration through recreation.
Integration Through Recreation
The Role of Youth Soccer in Multicultural Berlin
Neaka Lynn Balloge, Steffen Hurka, & Corey Walker
Humanity in Action Final Research Paper Team Berlin, Summer 2008
Freikarte für Babelsberg vs. Türkiyemspor
Die Maerkische Alllgemeine Zeitung verlost zum Derby von Türkiyemspor gg. Babalsberg (21.Maerz 14 Uhr Karl-Liebknecht Stadion) zwei Freikarten. Beantwortet werden muss nur die Frage nach dem Trainer unseres Teams. Also auf nach Babelsberg !!
Der Link zu den Freikarten hier
Der Link zu den Freikarten hier
Türkiyemspor fusioniert
Lintfort (m-b) - Es ist nicht das Jahr für die Vereine mit dem Türkiyemspor im Namen. Nachdem der erfolgreiche Namensvetter aus Amsterdam in die Insolvenz gegangen ist hat der A-Kreisligist Türkiyemspor Lintfort eine Fusion mit dem SV Lintfort (Kreisliga B) beschlossen und traegt in Zukunft nicht mehr den Namen Türkiyemspor. Unter dem Namen Türkiyemspor soll es nur noch bis Ende der Saison weiter gehen. Mit dem Fusionspartner gemeinsam geht dann der neue Verein 1. FC Kamp-Lintfort zur Saison 2009/2010 an den Start .
Beide Vereine erhoffen sich durch eine Konzentration der Kraefte eine bessere Wahrnehmung bei der Bezirkspolitik, der SV bringt zudem auch eine umfangreiche Jugendabteilung in den neuen Verein ein.
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